Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 - The year in beer

Best Beers I've had all year? Hard to say, that I can even count there's been at LEAST 500 that I actually sat down to enjoy and review at home. Then there's homebrews, beers I've sampled at brew fests, bars, shows, and people's homes which I never bothered writing down. Anywho, according to my BeerAdvocate profile (which I pretty much just use as my beer journal) here's the (I'll keep it at 25 to not make it TOO boring) best beers I've had this year with a short synopsis of each beer. You may find these reviews interesting because, although i follow most beer related news/releases/etc, i'm not one to jerk off to a picture of a fucking beer bottle. i don't go for hyped up beers, although if i happen to drink one that i know is hyped, i set all that bullshit aside and give it an honest review.

I rated this one a 4.6. I remember this being a wonderful experience. The bourbon was there in the smell but not as harsh in the flavor, unlike BCBS.

I rated this one a 4.6 as well. One of the best tasting porters I have ever had, as well as the ONLY coconut flavored beer I've ever hard - so yes, this may be a bit one sided. 

4.63 rating. Lots of spices, nutty, and sweet. This old ale was fantastic. I'd eventually like to hunt down the barrel aged version, though it almost feels barrel aged as is.

Another 4.63 rating. I remember this one being awesome. Nicely balanced sweet nutty flavors with earthy bitterness. I love beers like this, throw-ins on trades, beers you've never heard of. Pop the cap and you're blown away.

4.63 again. This one seems to have lost all the hype it was getting back around the time I had it. Good, it's beer - just fucking drink it! Anyway, this was one of the tastiest IPA's i've had this year.

Another 4.63. Had this on tap (growler) and bottle (a few times this year) and it was fantastic. Definitely one of my go-to's when I don't see anything new that catches my eye.

4.65 rating. I drank a 2011 bottle, and it was a fantastic barleywine. Usually barleywines include such a hefty grain bill that you don't taste anything specifically aside from the sugars and hops. This one was very bready and barley-based. Loved it.

4.65 and another Kuhnhenn beer on my list! I was extremely lucky to get a wrong growler fill at a new place that opened up in NYC. Emailed them and they told me to go back in for a free refill since they screwed up. Well, they were all out of Stone's Belgo Anise Stout, so I got this instead and my life was changed forever.

4.68 rating. I remember this having a really awesome design on the can, being a hot august night and drinking it on the front stairs outside. Drank pretty much like a milk stout, which was definitely nice.

4.68 rating. One of the best Belgian style IPA's I've ever had. I remember this had a nice spicy yeast overtone with the wonderful hop profile, making it pretty damn epic.

4.68 rating. A definite go-to and probably an IPA I've recommended and shipped to mostly everyone that isn't from here or is just starting out on IPA's. Reading back, I amaze myself with some of the shit I say.. "like watching an HD movie but drinking a beer" ??? What the fuck man, I guess it must be pretty strong huh?

4.68 rating. Another favorite IPA of mine, but unfortunately they don't bottle it! Small brewery opened up in Cape May in 2011 I believe, and my wife and I have been visiting every time we go down that way.

4.68 rating again. I think I've had pretty much everything these guys have put out, aside from their lager, and this is one of the best canned beers they make. Hops that are spicy almost like a curry feel to it.

4.7 rating. I remember I got this as a "local throw-in" from a trade I did. I was shocked at how good it was. Another great hoppy IPA.

4.72 rating. Well this is a coincidence, I actually had this one again tonight. Had this both on tap and in bottle and was in love with it both times. If you are a human being who enjoys both coffee and beer, please do yourself a favor and pick this up.

4.73 rating. Got this one in a growler originally and LOVED it. Fresh hop taste and I needed more! Found out they canned it and completed a different trade for the cans, and was just as good. If you have any friends in Texas, ask them for some of this.

Rated this a 4.73 as well. I was lucky to get this 10 days before the "enjoy by date". So sweet, with a blast of floral, piney, citrusy hops. Everything you could ask for in an IPA from Stone.

4.73 rating. Not a surprise that this one made it to the top of my list. 3F puts out a LOT of really good beer, but this was my favorite IPA I've gotten a chance to try from them.

4.78 rating! I absolutely loved every taste of this one. It's like sucking on a red jolly rancher, never had anything like it.

4.8 rating. Saisons have grown to be one of my favorite beer styles, and this combines an almost pickle flavor with that spicy belgian style farmhouse yeast.. it's so damn good, I want another taste!

4.83 rating. As if the Metallica reference and absolutely bad ass artwork weren't enough, the sweetness of the rye combined with the floral and citrusy hops made this into a fantastic drinking experience.

4.85 rating. The first time I had this, was as a throw-in from my buddy Matt in WI. I opened it up not knowing what to expect and it was just pure hop juice! to top it off, it was bottled with a hop cone! Mind = blown! I immediately brewed my own double ipa and bottle hopped it - best ipa I made.

Another 4.85. I picked this up on a whim in Brooklyn, knowing nothing about it nor the brewer. Saw it had good trade value and almost traded it but changed my mind. Glad that trade never happened because this was THE best stout I had all year.

4.93 rating. I absolutely loved this one. Tasted like a spruce tree, no doubt. Combine that with hoppy flavors and it's one of the best thing you can give to an IPA lover. Popped this one open when I found out my dad made it through his surgery alive, not knowing what to even expect from this beer - and BOY was it a good call for a celebration!

Another 4.93 rating. I guess this one is a tie for 1st huh? Well, whatever, this was my favorite IPA and beer this past year. I've never had an IPA so fresh tasting from another part of the country. It literally felt like it was bottled the night before it arrived at my door. Also, for $5 +/- a bottle, I would never think twice about it. Not sure if they sell outside of MN, but it's worth the hassle of beer trading or buying online in the least. 

Well, there it is. 25 beers I'd never even heard of before this year. And they all changed my life one beer at a time. I like to find pretty much every positive aspect from every beer I drink so that I can learn from it. I brew as a hobby, but I'd probably stop if all my beer tasted like my few shitty first batches. I learn from what I drink, and I incorporate it into my beer. Well, cheers for the new year. Thanks for reading this!

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